The SDSI Quality Management System is based on the international standard ISO 9001:2015 and the principles of Total Quality Management philosophy.
SDSI is committed to provide high quality products and services by meeting the requirements of Quality Management Systems
Having a system such as this in place, and strictly adhering to its specifications, ensures that our work exceeds the regulatory requirements of our industry and that each of our clients can come to expect the same high level of quality with every project we are engaged to deliver.
The fundamental concepts of the SDSI Quality Management System include:
- Constancy of purpose;
- Careful short-term and long-term planning;
- Continual improvement of our products, services and the processes that produce them;
- Top management commitment, understanding, participation and leadership;
- Focus on client and supplier relationships;
- Staff involvement in the decision-making process;
- Pride of workmanship, ethical behaviour, cooperation and trust;
- Knowledge sharing and respect for the thoughts and ideas of others;
- Team approach to product, service and process improvement;
- Use of high quality tools and best practice techniques.
As we continue to shape our business for the future, we are currently enhancing our quality system to include the addition of ISO/IEC 27001 certification.
Certification to ISO/IEC 27001 validates our ongoing commitment to Information Security by securing our sensitive company and customer information.